

Learn how to use the MailerSend provider to send email notifications using Novu

MailerSend is an email delivery service that allows you to send emails from your application.

Getting Started

To use the MailerSend provider in the email channel, you will need to create a MailerSend account and add your API key to the MailerSend integration on the Novu platform. To generate the API token go visit the MailerSend API Tokens page.

Creating the MailerSend integration with Novu

  • Visit the Integrations page on Novu.
  • Click on Add a Provider.
  • Select MailerSend service.
  • Enter the API key.
  • Click on the Disabled button and mark it as Active.
  • Click on the Update button.
  • You should now be able to send notifications using MailerSend in Novu.

Using MailerSend template

Novu has its own email editor for writing email template. If you want to use pre made template from MailerSend, you can use customData filed of email overrides to send template details. Make sure your Api Key has enough permission to read and process the template.

sending customData field in overrides to send mailersend template will work only in following cases:

  • if workflow is triggered to only one subscriber
  • if workflow is triggered to multiple subscribers or topic but mailersend template does not have any dynamic variables related to subscriber attributes like firstName, lastName, email, etc as same overrides will be applied to all subscribers or topic
import {
} from '@novu/node';
const novu = new Novu('<NOVU_SECRET_KEY>');
await novu.subscribers.trigger("workflowIdentifier", {
    to: "subscriberId",
    payload: {},
    overrides: {
        email: {
            customData: {
                // mailersend template templateId
                templateId: 'mailersend-template-id',
                // mailersend template variables
                personalization: [{
                    email: 'recipient@email.com',
                    data: {
                        items: {
                            price: '',
                            product: '',
                            quantity: '',
                        order: {
                            date: '',
                            order_number: '',
                            billing_address: '',
                            customer_message: '',
                        store: {
                            name: '',
                        invoice: {
                            total: '',
                            subtotal: '',
                            pay_method: '',
                        customer: {
                            name: '',
                            email: '',
                            phone: '',
                }, ],

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